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Quest name:

Instance: The Council of Brehur

Quest Description:

The Brehur of Lhanuch have gathered in Glynn Brenin's hall to discuss whether they shall swear their allegience to Isengard alongside their brethren in Dunland.

Objective 1
Speak with Dufrig before the Council of Brehur begins.
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Objective 2
Observe the deliberations of the Council.
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Objective 3
Bring forward the items you found upon the half-orc raiders as evidence of Isengard's involvement in the attacks.
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Objective 4
Observe the deliberations of the Council.
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Objective 5
Defeat the Champion of Isengard.
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Objective 6
Speak with Glynn Brenin regarding the emissary from Isengard.
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