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Quest name:

Hewing Fell Wings

Starting at:

Fernachar (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Fernachar has asked you to defeat many merrevail in pursuit of the Malledhrim scouts who have been waylaid at Dannenglor.

Objective 1
Merrevail can be found in the Elf-ruins of Dannenglor, north of the Haunted Inn in the Dourstocks.

You should fight the merrevail in pursuit of the Malledhrim Elves who were most likely waylaid at the gates of Dannenglor.
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Objective 2
Fernachar awaits you anxiously at the Haunted Inn in the Dourstocks, south of Dannenglor.

You should return swiftly to Fernachar and inform him of your relative success against the merrevail of Dannenglor.
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