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Quest name:

Expedition: Seeing to the Fallen

Starting at:

Agorin (NPC)

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Quest Description:

In battles of such a scale as the Mirkwood landing, severe wounds and even death are an inevitable consequence, even among such fine warriors as the Mallhedrim.

Objective 1
The supplies are at Echad Sirion, on the eastern banks of the Anduin.

Agorin has tasked you with finding clean bandages that have been misplaced among the rest of the military supplies that were hastily brought across the Anduin.
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Objective 2
The wounded Elves are at Echad Sirion, on the eastern banks of the Anduin.

Now that you have collected enough bandages, you should see to the treatment of the Elf-soldiers who were seriously wounded during the first wave of the assault upon Mirkwood.
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Objective 3
Agorin is at Echad Sirion, on the eastern banks of the Anduin
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