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Challenge: Zaudru

Quest Description:

Zaudru's brood has flourished beneath the peak of Helegrod.\n\nOnce a sufficient number of Grisgart's allies are defeated an opportunity will arise to burn several of Xaudru's cocoons. Once burned, the spider will become enraged and enter the battle. She must fall before the final four white silkspinners are defeated.

Objective 1
Breosal and Zaudru are deep within the tunnels underneath Helegrod.
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Objective 2
Breosal has brought many allies with her, they will need to be eliminated.
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Objective 3
Logs have started falling from the bonfires. They can be used to burn the cocoons and spider-nests surrounding this area.
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Objective 4
Burning the cocoons has angered Zaudru. She must now be vanquished.
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