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Challenge: General Talug (Daily)

Quest Description:

Fil Gashan is the barracks and training grounds of the Orcs in Moria. Within those walls, a fearsome general has been readying his troops for an assault upon the Elves of Lothlórien to the east of Khazad-dûm. Brogur and Bósi's dwarves, wishing to reclaim Moria, intend to prevent this at any cost, for they would see the Elves and dwarves reinstate old alliances for the good of both.

Objective 1
Fil Gashan is far to the south-west of the Twenty-first Hall, and General Talug can be found in the depths of that place.

Sigurd has challenged you to use stealth and wit to conquer General Talug, the leader of a great Orc-host, without defeating too many of his sentries.
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