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Challenge: Balhest

Quest Description:

Balhest is the Angmarim who has taken up residence within the ancient palace of Annuminas, claiming it for his fallen king.\n\nBalhest has great love for his sorceresses, and if he sees them all suitably weakened, he will intervene to save them. When he does, show them how weak their master is.

Objective 1
Balhest is in the throne room of Ost Elendil.
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Objective 2
Balhest must be defeated while his sorceresses watch his demise.

Balhest has great love for his sorceresses, and if he sees them all suitably weakened, he will intervene to save them. When he does, show them how weak their master is.
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Objective 3
With Balhest defeated and their minds reeling, defeat the High Sorceresses and end their misery.
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