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Quest name:

In Defence of the Forest

Starting at:

Laenin the Glade Watcher (NPC)

NPC: Laenin the Glade Watcher (NPC) image 1 thumbnail 
thanks to: Beleglin
NPC: Laenin the Glade Watcher (NPC) image 2 thumbnail 
thanks to: Beleglin
NPC: Laenin the Glade Watcher (NPC) image 3 thumbnail 
thanks to: Beleglin
Quest Description:

Laenin the Glade-watcher plans to leave Middle-earth, but he would see the sanctity and the beauty of the forests surrounding Celondim preserved. Recent events have driven a large number of foul insects into the wood, and Laenin fears that the trees may suffer disease as a result.

Objective 1
Sickle-flies may be found in the forests west and south-west of Celondim.

Laenin the Glade-watcher informed you that he is recruiting those willing to help save the surrounding nature from an infestation of sickle-flies.
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Objective 2
Ovorlas is at the Elf-camp in Nen Hilith, south-west of Celondim.

You have defeated many sickle-flies, as Laenin asked, and should now seek out Ovorlas.
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