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Quest name:

A Cause for Concern

Starting at:

Calengil (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Calengil wants you to destroy the goblin, Durglup, at Dol Ringwest. He believes this goblin is the leader of the forces there and thus responsible for the desecration of the ruins.

Objective 1
Dol Ringwest lies to the west of Duillond.

Calengil wishes to drive the evil out of the ruins of Dol Ringwest. He has asked you to make your way to the ruins and seek out the goblin's leader, Durglup.
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Objective 2
Calengil is at Duillond, east of Dol Ringwest.

Durglup proved a challenge for which you were well prepared. He no longer taints the ruins of Dol Ringwest. You should return to Calengil at once.
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