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A Message of Thanks

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Letter of Commendation (Item)

NPC: Letter of Commendation (Item) image 1 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
Quest Description:

Your assistance with Dwalin against the foes, Ivar the Blood-hand, Skórgrim and the Angmarim has not gone unnoticed. The Lord of the Longbeards sent you a missive which he hopes will bring you favour.

Objective 1
Deliver the letter of thanks to Laenin the Glade Watcher in Celondim.

Dwalin, the Lord of the Longbeards, sent you a letter of thanks for your efforts in recoving the Elf Prince, Elrohir, two years ago. His hope is that this letter will earn you some measure of reward from the Elves or Dwarves.
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Quest: A Message of Thanks, objective 1 image 97 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
Quest: A Message of Thanks, objective 1 image 98 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel

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