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Quest name:

Would Rather Mine

Starting at:

Bothwar (Dwarf)

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Quest Description:

Bothwar of Gabilshathûr is aggrieved at missing an opportunity for mining some quality gems.

Objective 1
Gem-bearing rocks of the sort Bothwar described can be found outside the entrance to Maethad. He told you to follow the road north from Gabilshathûr until you could turn east and pass through the sparse trees of Gorothlad.

Bothwar is annoyed that he was pulled from his mining efforts to undertake guard-duty and gave you a pick-axe with which you can finish his mining.
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Objective 2
Bothwar is on the bridge in the middle of Gabilshathûr, west and south of Gorothlad.

You have mined the gem-bearing rocks of which Bothwar spoke and should return to him with the fruits of your labour.
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