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Vol. II, Prologue, Foreword: What Road for the Elves?

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Legolas (NPC)

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Quest Description:

The Elf-prince Legolas is worried about the harsh words he shared with some of the Elves of Rivendell following the Council of Elrond and is hopeful that he has not upset any of his fellows.

Objective 1
Erestor is at the Haven of Orladion, north-west of the House of Elrond.

Legolas is concerned that strong words following the Council of Elrond may have caused Erestor to resent him, and he wants you to apologize on his behalf.
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Objective 2
Galdor of the Havens is at the stables in the north-west corner of Rivendell.

You have brought word of Legolas's apology to Erestor and should now do the same for Galdor.
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Objective 3
Legolas is in one of the guest rooms along the road that winds up the southern slope of the Vale of Imladris.

Galdor has given you a white knife to give to Legolas as a token of his forgiveness.
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