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Vol. II, Book 6, Chapter 5: Mazog's Searchers

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Dithaliwenn (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Dithaliwenn wants to learn for what purpose Mazog has sent his Orcs into the caverns among the Foundations of Stone.

Objective 1
Pûlpum ensnared by the corruption of the Globsnaga can be found throughout the Foundations of Stone, but especially on and around the underground lake in its depths.

Dithaliwenn wants to learn to what purpose Mazog has sent so many of his Orcs to the Foundations of Stone, for it seems to be an uncharacteristic move. She wants you to defeat Globsnaga Pûlpum and wrest away any orders they may still carry.
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Objective 2
Dithaliwenn is in the camp of Gwathrendath, the Shadowed Refuge among the Foundations of Stone.

You have collected orders from the corrupted Globsnaga Pûlpum and should bring them to Dithaliwenn in Gwathrendath.
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