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Vol. II, Book 4, Chapter 6: Bori's Suspicion

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Brogur (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Bori suspects that he has stumbled upon something that will enable the dwarves to turn the tables on the threatening Orcs of Moria.

Objective 1
Bori is in the Chamber of Leadership off the Twenty-first Hall in Zelem-melek.

Brogur has told you that his nephew Bori wants to speak with you about something.
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Objective 2
Room plaques can be found throughout the Water-works, as well as dangerous aquatic creatures.

Bori has asked you to memorize the locations of different rooms throughout the Water-works, and to defeat the creatures there.
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Objective 3
Bori is in the Chamber of Leadership off the Twenty-first Hall, in Zelem-melek.

You have scouted the Water-works for sign of the armouries the dwarf Óin sought, as recorded in the Book of Mazarbul, and should return now to Bori.
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