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Quest name:

Vol. I, Prologue, The Wrath of the Elves

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Cardavor (NPC)

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Quest Description:

From all appearances, goblins waylaid Avorthal in Tham Gelair, leaving no trace of him but his satchel.

Objective 1
Pampraush and his minions are in Limael's Vinyard, north-west of Celondim.

The apparent death of Avorthal has enraged Cardavor against the goblins. He has asked you to seek out a band of goblins led by a creature named Pampraush and slay them all in Avorthal's name.
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Objective 2
Cardavor is at Celondim, the harbour south-east of Limael's Vinyard.

You sought out the goblin Pampraush and his minions as Cardavor requested, but learned from Pampraush that Avorthal may still be alive as a prisoner of dwarves. Cardavor should be told at once.
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