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Vol. I, Book 14, Chapter 8: An Elf-friend of Eregion

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Eglamír (NPC)

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Quest Description:

In an effort to learn more of the Ring-lore of Eregion, Elrond sent you to Eglamír, an Elf of Eregion who dwells now at Celondim.

Objective 1
Bree-town lies in Bree-land, far to the east of Ered Luin.

Eglamír would speak little of the Ring-lore of Eregion, but did tell you that the Ring-smith Celebrimbor gave a shaping tool to a Man of Bree-land. He suggests you find someone in Bree who might know the whereabouts of the Man's barrow.
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Objective 2
Newbold Leafcutter can be found at the Scholar's Stairs Archive in Bree-town.

You were advised to seek out Newbold Leafcutter to learn more regarding the whereabouts of Celebrimbor's shaping tool.
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