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Quest name:

Vol. I, Book 10, Chapter 1: The Champion of Angmar

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Calenglad (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Amarthiel and her minions have seized Annúminas, the ancient city of the Dúnedain, and Calenglad now struggles to form a plan by which she may be opposed.

Objective 1
Laerdan has been given a room in the keep on the island of Tinnudir. His room is atop a flight of stairs on the right as you enter the keep.

Calenglad has told you that Laerdan the Elf has come to Tinnudir bearing information that might help you combat Amarthiel's forces in Annúminas. He said that Laerdan asked for you by name.
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Objective 2
Calenglad is at the Ranger-camp on the island of Tinnudir, in Evendim.

Laerdan has written a letter to Calenglad explaining the threat Amarthiel poses. He has asked you to read the letter and deliver it to Calenglad.
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