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Vol. I, Book 9, Chapter 1: Oakheart's Note

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Gandalf (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Mordirith, the False King, has been defeated and sent back to Mordor houseless, but the mysterious Sara Oakheart stole the palantír Mordirith had in his possession. This greatly concerns Gandalf the Grey.

Objective 1
Golodir is at Gath Forthnír in Angmar, far to the north of Rivendell.

Gandalf the Grey has instructed you to return to Gath Forthnír and help Golodir to search for Sara Oakheart and the missing palantír.
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Objective 2
Sara Oakheart is at Barad Gúlaran in Nan Gurth in Angmar.

According to the note Golodir found, Sara Oakheart has asked to meet you at Barad Gúlaran. Golodir has told you to be careful.
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