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Quest name:

Vol. I, Book 3, Chapter 6, Part II: The Defence of Trestlebridge

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Halbarad (NPC), Halbarad (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Upon returning from Trestlebridge with Nellie Boskin's refusal to join the Council, Halbarad informed you that a large force of Orcs was moving on Trestlebridge.

Objective 1
Travel with Halbarad to Trestlebridge and aid in its defence.

Halbarad told you that the Orcs moving on Trestlebridge are from the more powerful Ongbúrz tribe. The townsfolk will not be able to defend against them alone. Halbarad instructed you to gather allies and return to him.
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Objective 2
Nellie Boskins can be found in Trestlebridge.

At Halbarad's side, you helped defend Trestlebridge from the Orcs that sought to destroy it. At the conclusion of the battle, Nellie Boskins asked to speak with you.
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