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Vol. I, Book 3, Chapter 2: The Gates of Fornost

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Mincham (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Mincham believes that the Enemy has indeed returned to Fornost, but cannot tell the strength of the forces there as they approached the city from the north.

Objective 1
The Norbury Gates lie to the north of Mincham's camp.

Mincham believes the only way to determine the strength of the forces of Angmar within Fornost is to test the defences erected at its gates. He has asked you to slay Orcs and Wargs and bring him a report of the resistance there.
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Objective 2
Mincham can be found at his camp in the southern Fields of Fornost.

The Ranger Mincham will need to hear your report regarding the defences at the gates of Fornost.
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