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Quest name:

Vengeance for the Lost

Starting at:

Gadaric Munce (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Gadaric Munce desires that vengeance be visited upon the goblins who drove his people from the ruins of Minas Eriol.

Objective 1
Goblins can be found in the ruins of Minas Eriol, south-east of The Forsaken Inn.

Goblins slaughtered many of the Eglain, and Gadaric Munce wants to revisit these losses upon the evil creatures. He bade you go to the ruins where the attack took place and defeat any goblins you find there.
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Objective 2
Gadaric Munce is at The Forsaken Inn.

You found your prey within the ruins and dispatched them, avenging those of the Eglain slain at the hands of the goblins. Gadaric Munce will wish to hear of your victory.
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