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Quest name:

Two Chieftains

Starting at:

Bill Mossfoot (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Bill Mossfoot believes that you are close to dealing the goblins in the Midgewater Marshes a decisive blow.

Objective 1
The two chieftains, Gurzstâz and Gurzrum, are likely to be found in the Goblinhole Ruins in the southern stretch of the Midgewater Marshes.

Bill Mossfoot believes that slaying the goblin-chieftains will drive the rest away.
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Objective 2
Bill Mossfoot is at the camp in the Midgewater Marsh, south-east of the Midgewater Ruins.

Bill Mossfoot will be pleased to hear of your success with the two goblin-chieftans he asked you to dispatch.
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Objective 3
Watcher Redweed is in Staddle town centre.

The defeat of the goblin-chieftains in the Midgewater Marshes should be a great relief to Watcher Redweed.
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