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Quest name:

Their Own Weapons

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Thoroniel (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Thoroniel has prepared two bottles of poison from the trapdoor and flesh-gnawer fangs you brought to her, hopeful that their venom can be used against them.

Objective 1
Trapdoor egg sacs and flesh-gnawer egg sacs can be found throughout the Wovenvales.

Thoroniel has given you two bottles of venom, and asked you to pour venom from one bottle onto egg sacs belonging to the other brood, and to do the same for the remaining bottle.
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Objective 2
Thoroniel is outside the Wovenvales in the North Trollshaws.

The Elf-scout Thoroniel is waiting to hear whether you successfully made use of the venom-bottles she gave you.
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