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Quest name:

The Tomb of Elendil

Starting at:

Calenglad (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Gwindeth has agreed to lower the flood-waters in the tomb of Elendil so that you can recover the Silithar for Aragorn.

Objective 1
Calenglad is at the Ranger-camp on Tinnudir, in Evendim.

Calenglad is waiting to speak with you about travelling to the tomb of Elendil to reclaim the Silithar for Aragorn.
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  • Step no.1
    Talk to Calenglad and travel to the tomb of Elendil Click here to insert images

Objective 2
Calenglad is at the Ranger-camp on Tinnudir, in Evendim.

Calenglad is waiting for you to speak with him about your adventures in the tomb of Elendil.
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