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Quest name:

The Last Farm

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Gatson (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Orcs have entered the North Downs from the north. The farmers of the region fled south, except old Gatson, who is determined to hold his land against the Orcs.

Objective 1
Orthonn may be found at the ruins of Ost Lagoros, north-west of Gatson's farm by the river.

Farmer Gatson told you that he has been helping the Rangers with provisions for many years and now expects them to help him protect his farm. He has sent you to speak with the Ranger he delivers the food to, a man named Orthonn.
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Objective 2
Gatson awaits you at his farm to the east of Ost Lagoros.

Orthonn admitted that Gatson had provisioned them often, but told you that the Rangers did not have the numbers to defend the farms of the North Downs. He asked you to return to Gatson and exhort the farmer and his workhands to flee at once.
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