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Quest name:

The Dwarves of Needlehole

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Bounder Chubb (NPC)

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Quest Description:

According to Filibert Bolger, his cow, Daffodil, was stolen by a dwarf named Olwir; however, Bounder Chubb hesitates to accuse a dwarf of cow-theft without evidence.

Objective 1
Ulfar is at the dwarf buildings north of Needlehole.

In order to avoid angering the dwarves with accusations of theft, Bounder Chubb told you to obtain the aid of the dwarves through their overseer, Ulfar. Chubb believes that Ulfar might be able to point out any potential thieves among his folk.
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Objective 2
The dwarf-hunters prowl the northern and eastern sections of Rushock Bog. The bog lies to the south-east of Needlehole.

When you told Ulfar the tale of Filibert's cow, and Olwir's involvement, he wasn't surprised. A number of dwarves of low character have been passing through Needlehole lately, and Olwir seemed to be the worst of them. Ulfar has asked you to acquire letters from the dwarf-hunters that he suspects of working for Olwir.
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