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Quest name:

The Call of Precious Things, Part II

Starting at:

Dathi (NPC), Gyrgir (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Every piece of jewellery you fashion brings your fingers greater skill and your eyes more clarity, but you still have need of instruction.

Objective 1
Kobbi Stonestar has apparently become a permanent resident of The Forsaken Inn of the Lone-lands.

Kobbi Stonestar is interested in your progress as a jeweller and has been asking about you.
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Objective 2
Kobbi Stonestar is an apparently permanent resident of the Forsaken Inn of the Lone-lands.

Kobbi Stonestar has asked you to craft a White Tree Trinket to demonstrate your technique and has given you the recipe as well as his notes on the subject.
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Objective 3
Kobbi Stonestar is apparently a permanent resident of the Forsaken Inn located in the Lone-lands.

Kobbi Stonestar is waiting to judge the craftsmanship of the White Tree Trinket he asked you to make.
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