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Quest name:

A Tour of Bree

Starting at:

Mayor Graeme Tenderlarch (NPC)

NPC: Mayor Graeme Tenderlarch (NPC) image 1 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
NPC: Mayor Graeme Tenderlarch (NPC) image 2 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
NPC: Mayor Graeme Tenderlarch (NPC) image 3 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
Quest Description:

Bree's mayor, Graeme Tenderlarch, thought you might like to get acquainted with the town proper. He has sent you out into the square to begin a journey through the streets to tour the town.

Objective 1
Graeme Tenderlarch is at the Bree Town Hall, almost due north-west from the East-gate.

Tad Leafcutter told you to return to Graeme Tenderlarch.
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  • Step no.1
    Talk to Mayor Graeme Tenderlarch at the Bree Town Hall Click here to insert images

Objective 2
The Boar Fountain lies a little to the north of the Three-farrow Crafting-hall.

Bonny Thatcher told you to speak with Second-watcher Heathstraw at the Boar Fountain in the Market Square.
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Quest: A Tour of Bree, objective 2 image 1298 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
Quest: A Tour of Bree, objective 2 image 1299 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
Quest: A Tour of Bree, objective 2 image 1300 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel

Objective 3
The Prancing Pony Inn is north of the Market Square.

Second-watcher Heathstraw has instructed you to speak with Barliman Butterbur, proprietor of The Prancing Pony Inn.
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Objective 4
Lily Sandheaver's home is west of The Prancing Pony Inn.

Barliman Butterbur told you to speak with Lily Sandheaver at her home.
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Objective 5
Harry Goatleaf can be found at the West-gate, west of Lily Sandheaver's home.

Lily Sandheaver told you to speak with Harry Goatleaf.
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Objective 6
Watchman Cardoon is east of the West-gate of Bree.

Harry Goatleaf told you to speak with Watchman Cardoon.
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Objective 7
The vault is found to the south of Watcher Cardoon. He told you to follow the road and look for the large, stone building protected by two guards.

Watcher Cardoon instructed you to speak with Tad Gardener or Maud Foxglove at the vault.
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Objective 8
You will find Whitethorn's Taxidermy across the road from the Bree-town Vault.

You were told to speak with Clar Whitethorn at Whitethorn's Taxidermy.
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Objective 9
Make your way south out of Whitethorn's Taxidery before you reach the statue of the dwarf turn left, to the east, and make your way to Scholar's Stair. Enter and speak with Newbold Leafcutter.

Clar Whitethorn directed you to speak with Newbold Leafcutter within the Scholar's Stair.
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Quest: A Tour of Bree, additional info image 1324 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
Quest: A Tour of Bree, additional info image 1325 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
Quest: A Tour of Bree, additional info image 1326 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
Quest: A Tour of Bree, additional info image 1327 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
Quest: A Tour of Bree, additional info image 1328 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel

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