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Reporting the Findings

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Kaldi (NPC)

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Quest Description:

The Water-works is a site of importance to the dwarves who wish to remain in Moria. One such dwarf, Foreman Indrith, has made it a mission to repair the channel there.

Objective 1
Játgir is at the Rotting Cellar to the north of the Vile Maw.

Kaldi handed the sample back to you and sent you to speak with Játgir about what is wrong with the water and to find out what should be done at the Vile Maw.
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Objective 2
Kaldi is at his camp outside the Vile Maw, south of the Rotting Cellar.

Játgir did not like what he saw within the water and sent you back to Kaldi with a special message.
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