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Raid: Bogbereth

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Lunathron (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Lunathron told you of a great, vile spider, Bogbereth, which hunts in Himbar.

Objective 1
Bogbereth hunts in the north-east reaches of Himbar, west and then north of Gath Forthnír.

Lunathron cautioned you not to face Bogbereth with anything less than a fully-armed war-party. She must be defeated, lest she continues to spawn more of her foul brood.
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Objective 2
Gath Forthnír is in the eastern part of Himbar, south and east of Torech-i-Bogbereth.

Lunathron bade you destroy the great spider, Bogbereth. Now that she is no more, you can return to claim your victory.
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