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Quest name:

Mezel-katub: Tomes of Balin

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Mögr (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Mezel-katub was Balin's personal library, with its tomes of knowledge kept safe locked behind a hidden dwarf-door.

Objective 1
The tomes are inside Mezel-katub, a library north of the Hall of Flowing Water, south-east of the Twenty-first Hall.

Mögr asked you to venture inside Mezel-katub, Balin's personal library, and recover several ancient tomes. He mentioned you may want to bring an ally or two.
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Objective 2
Mögr is at the Twenty-first Hall, north-west of Mezel-katub.

Mõgr will be eager to look over the tomes you found in Mezel-katub.
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