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Quest name:

A Relic of Ages Past

Starting at:

Falgir (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Crystals discovered in Moria, bearing marks of the Forgotten Treasury, have piqued the interest of some dwarves who now want to excavate the location and save its contents from the pilfering Orcs within Moria.

Objective 1
Garthar is in the Deep Descent of Moria.

Falgir confided in you about the discovery of crystals thought long lost, now turning up all throughout Moria. He has asked you to speak with Garthar to see if he can shed some light on the matter.
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Objective 2
Falgir is in the Deep Descent in Moria.

Garthar told you a bit of history of the vaults in Moria, what they held and how he fears that one such vault is breached. He now wishes you to tell Falgir what you have learned.
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