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Quest name:

Lying in Wait

Starting at:

Sylfa (NPC)

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Quest Description:

The Orcs have not attacked the dwarf-post at the Rotting Cellar in several days. Sylfa fears they are preparing a large assault and wants to take the battle to them before they get the chance to strike.

Objective 1
Orcs may be found in The Chamber of Dark Waters to the south of the Rotting Cellar.

Sylfa has asked you to make a pre-emptive attack against the Orcs threatening his post.
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  • Step no.1
    Defeat Orcs in The Chamber of Dark Waters Click here to insert images

Objective 2
Sylfa is in the Rotting Cellar, north of The Chamber of Dark Waters.

You observed that the Orcs you defeated were different than those you had seen throughout Moria, with odd growths covering them. Sylfa should be made aware of this.
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