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Quest name:

Iron on the Walls of Tirith Rhaw

Starting at:

Sergeant-at-Arms Haliggyr (Race of Man)

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Quest Description:

Tirith Rhaw is in need of stronger defences. In order to build a significant defence, the Captain-General has ordered that a great cauldron of iron be forged and filled with oil.

Objective 1
Unrefined ore can be found in the Isendeep to the north in Arador's End or on the goblins living in Grothum, north and east of Tirith Rhaw.

Sergeant-at-Arms Haliggyr received orders to forge a great iron cauldron to fill with oil. This cauldron will be used to defend the walls of Tirith Rhaw from the Enemy. He has asked you to find the unrefined ore he needs to forge the cauldron.
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