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Intro: Plague Among the Trees

Starting at:

Dorongúr Whitethorn (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Prepared and armed with new skills, you are tasked now with a battle against the vile creatures that blight and plague the trees of Edhelion.

Objective 1
The insects may be found at the copse of trees north of Dorongúr Whitethorn, near the golden gate.

Dorongúr Whitethorn charged you with helping to reclaim the refuge of Edhelion by eliminating the insects that have made the nearby trees their home.
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Objective 2
Dorongúr Whitethorn is south of the trees.

With the insects defeated, you have proven yourself worthy to Dorongúr Whitethorn. You should return to him and tell him of your victory.

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  • Step no.1
    Talk to Dorongúr Whitethorn in Edhelion Click here to insert images
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