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Instance: To Avert a War

Quest Description:

You have travelled with Langlas to the Dourhand encampment in an effort to rescue the Elf-prince Avorthal.

Objective 1
Langlas requires your assistance to find and free Avorthal. You should watch each other's backs, lest you fail.
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Objective 2
You have made progress into the Dourhand camp, but the effort was not easy, and Langlas has advised you rest before continuing on. You should let Langlas know when you are ready to go on.
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Objective 3
This is the heart of the camp. Skorgrím's lieutenant is waiting for you. Talk to Langlas when you are ready to confront the villain and learn what happened to Avorthal.
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Objective 4
Hakon Ironfist has been defeated, but it appears that Avorthal is not here. Speak to Langlas when you are ready to return to the hunting lodge.
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