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Instance: A Secret Club

Quest Description:

You have come to Dwaling with Ponto Oats in order to deal with the brigands that have taken the town.

Objective 1
Ponto Oats is standing on the road that leads down to Dwaling.

Ponto is waiting to speak with you about your upcoming "retrieval".
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Objective 2
The club for which you are seeking is on the ground by the sleeping brigands near Pearlina Gamgee's house in Dwaling.

Ponto is waiting for you to retrieve the club from near the sleeping brigands in Dwaling.
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Quest: Instance: A Secret Club, objective 2 image 2644 thumbnail 
thanks to: Beleglin

Objective 3
Ponto Oats is on the slope at the northern edge of Dwaling.

Ponto is waiting to hear about your retrieval of the club.
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