A legend of the Battle of Fornost mentioned a great captain of the armies of Fornost who led his men onto the field, only to betray his oath and lead them against King Arvedui instead.
Starts at: Emma Slee (NPC)
Objective 1.
Riamul is somewhere within Fornost. Emma Slee
has asked you to seek the shade-captain, Riamul, and bring him word of his pardon. She hopes that his freedom will allow his men to follow. (read less)
Step 1.
Find Riamul and release his spirit
Objective 2.
Emma Slee is at the Fornost camp.Riamul, loya
l to Angmar even in death, refused his pardon, believing that the Witch-king would restore him. You should return to Emma Slee and let her know you had to defeat him to free his men. (read less)
Step 1.
Talk to Emma Slee
Category Fornost
Given by Emma Slee (NPC)
7.89S, 55.96W The North Downs >> Fields of Fornost
Level 41
Min Level 36
Arc Free the Fallen
Repeatable No
Faction FrP
Instanced No
Money: 43 40
Receive: Silivrengil
Select one of: Faervaib Swift-riders Riamul’s Purger Ronolf