Saeradan and several other Rangers have ventured into the Windfells as advance scouts for the Grey Company to help ensure that their purpose remains secret, but also to help provision the Company.
adan in the Windfells of Enedwaith.Saeradan has asked you to aid the Grey Company in their many tasks. He told you that he had a task for you, and that Amlan and Andreg might as well. (read less)
Step 1.
Step 2.
Lend your aid to Saeradan
Step 3.
Lend your aid to Andreg
Step 4.
Lend your aid to Amlan
Objective 2.
Saeradan is at Echad Saeradan in the Windfell
rth-east of Echad Saeradan, along the foothills of the Misty Mountains.Saeradan asked you to deliver the herbs, pelts, and feathers you collected to the Algraig goatherds as a peace offering. (read less)