Rangers have come to the Ettenmoors to stand against the trolls sent from Angmar. They seek assistance with their patrols from the heroes of the Free Peoples.
Starts at: Gelbes (Race of Man)
Objective 1.
Gelbes is at Glân Vraig in the Ettenmoors. Sp
eak with her to call a ranger to the Ettenmoors.The Rangers will assist in retaking Lugazag, but they request that you take the place of a Ranger in Eriador while they come to the Ettenmoors to fight in your stead. (read less)
Step 1.
Talk to Gelbes at Glân Vraig
Objective 2.
Gelbes is at Glân Vraig in the Ettenmoors.A R
anger came to the Ettenmoors in your stead and fought valiantly, while you patrolled Eriador in his stead. You should now return to Gelbes. (read less)