The Water-works is a site of importance to the dwarves who wish to remain in Moria. Once such dwarf, Foreman Indrith, has made it a mission to repair the channel there.
Starts at: Indrith (NPC)
Objective 1.
Foreman Indrith is in the Wheel-house, beneat
h the Great Wheel.Foreman Indrith wants to make certain that you are strong enough to assist him with turning the wheel. Perhaps you should flex for him. (read less)
Step 1.
Show Foreman Indrith how strong you are by flexing
Objective 2.
Foreman Indrith is in the Wheel-house, beneat
h the Great Wheel.After showing the foreman that you were strong enough, of which he was dubious, the two of you attempted to turn the wheel behind him. A terrible noise was heard, and the foreman looked baffled. (read less)
Step 1.
Talk to Foreman Indrith in the Wheel-house