Farmer Polo Proudfoot needs new bee queens to replace the ones killed by bears. Before you can go hunting wild hives, you’ll need to get a salve to protect yourself from bee stings.
le distance north of Tuckborough, on the other side of Hobbiton.Before you can collect new queen-bees for Farmer Proudfoot, you will need to obtain the means to protect yourself from the stings of the wild bees. Proudfoot told you to get a special balm from Gammer Boffin. (read less)
erhill, beyond Hobbiton, and also in the marsh just north of Frogmorton. Gammer Boffin is in Overhill, a town nestled in the Bindbole Wood.Before you can hunt new queens for Farmer Proudfoot’s hives, he sent you to Gammer Boffin to get some salve to protect you from the stings of the wild bees; however, Gammer Boffin does not have all the ingredients she needs to prepare the salve. She has asked you to collect some toad-stones for the salve. (read less)