Search Results for: with Grey Company

Vol. III, Book 2, Chapter 2: The Grey Company in Rivendell

The Grey Company prepares to depart from Rivendell for the wide southern lands and needs your help to make sure that all is ready. Continue reading

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Vol. III, Book 1, Chapter 9: The Gathering of the Grey Company

You have spoken with each of the Rangers whose names Master Elrond provided and should report now to the Elf-lord of your success. Continue reading

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Feeding the Company

The Rangers of the Grey Company are running short of provisions and seek ways to supplement their remaining supplies. Continue reading

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Feeding the Company — Repeatable

The Rangers of the Grey Company are running short of provisions and seek ways to supplement their remaining supplies. Continue reading

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Warmth for the Winter

The Rangers of the Grey Company seek to acquire the good will of the Uch-lûth, the Dunlending clan inhabiting Enedwaith. Continue reading

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Weaken the Grip of Darkness

In the depths of Plas Tranc, several wights are enacting a grisly ritual to bring more of their kind to life. Continue reading

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Vol. III, Book 2, Chapter 11: The Blockade

The road that runs north through Dunland and Enedwaith has been troubled by hostile Dunlending clans, and the Grey Company is worried by these reports. Continue reading

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Vol. III, Book 2, Chapter 12: The Bearer of the Sword

Saeradan has asked you to find the unfortunate bearer of the Rohirrim sword you recovered from the blockade of the road in the Windfells. Continue reading

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Vol. III, Book 2, Chapter 13: The Sword Returned

The sword that was taken from Wadu should be returned to his family at the village of Lhanuch, in Nan Laeglin. Continue reading

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Vol. III, Book 2, Chapter 14: The Distant Dwarf

Something Wadu saw in the abandoned dwarf-hall in Thrór’s Coomb brought him to his death, and his sister Nona wants to learn what it was. Continue reading

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