Arohir has asked you to traverse the Ram Dúath into Angmar to seek out a place called Aughaire. Rangers named Golodir and Corunir have made this place their home, but no one has spoken to either in many years.
Starts at: Arohir (NPC)
Objective 1.
The Rangers Golodir and Corunir are in the Hi
llman town of Aughaire, a place west of the north exit of the Ram Dúath.Arohir has asked you to seek out the lost Rangers Golodir and Corunir who long ago were sent to Angmar. (read less)
Step 1.
Seek out Golodir and Corunir
Category North Downs
Given by Arohir (NPC)
9.63S, 41.42W The North Downs >> Esteldín