The Elf-lady Maliriel has long organized the great banquets of Lothlórien, held for honoured guests and special occasions. The strains of unrest and war have distracted many from the preparations needed, and she has asked you to aid the Elves responsible for completing the preparations for an upcoming banquet.
Starts at: Maliriel (NPC)
Objective 1.
Galhíril can be found near the gate to Imlad
Lalaith. Aesbrennil and Hadhelen can be found within the Vinyards of Lórien, south of Imlad Lalaith. Glasnír can be found at the entrance to the Vinyards, south of Imlad Lalaith.Maliriel has asked you to help her and her companions to complete all the preparations for the upcoming feast. (read less)
Objective 2.
Maliriel is at Imlad Lalaith.You should repor