Bósi has established his command centre at the Chamber of the Crossroads, a guard room once used for watching three passages that lead deeper into Moria.
Starts at: Bósi (NPC)
Objective 1.
Gredbyg can be found throughout the Great Del
ving, to the south and west of the Chamber of the Crossroads.Bósi has asked you to eliminate the fierce gredbyg within the Great Delving. These insects are a threat to the safety of the dwarves. (read less)
Step 1.
Defeat gredbyg within the Great Delving
Objective 2.
Bósi is in the Chamber of the Crossroads, at
the southern entrance to Durin’s Way, north of the Great Delving.You have defeated many of the gredbyg in the Great Delving, helping to make the area more safe for Bósi’s dwarves. (read less)
Step 1.
Talk to Bósi
Category Epic – Vol. II, Book 2: Echoes in the Dark