Description The mysteries of the past lie open to you, but still you seek to uncover more, never resting in your pursuit of knowledge.
Starts at: Cuthbert Rook (NPC), Dalton Willow (NPC), Barton Tanner (NPC), Athradir (NPC), Ráthorm (NPC), Tombes (NPC), Pennastan (NPC), Ivy Spokes (NPC), Handelleth (NPC), Celairen (NPC), Sana (NPC), Gwalothir (NPC), Glambaen (NPC), Elwen (NPC)
Objective 1.
Isdi is at the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin’s Hall, in Ered Luin.You have been told to speak with the lore-master Isdi, for she may have some wise words to share with you. ( read less) | Category Lore-master | Given by Cuthbert Rook (NPC), Dalton Willow (NPC), Barton Tanner (NPC), Athradir (NPC), Ráthorm (NPC), Tombes (NPC), Pennastan (NPC), Ivy Spokes (NPC), Handelleth (NPC), Celairen (NPC), Sana (NPC), Gwalothir (NPC), Glambaen (NPC), Elwen (NPC) | Location
34.15S, 75.05W The Shire >> The Delving Fields | Level 50 | Min Level 45 | Arc The Wisest Way | Repeatable No | Faction FrP | Instanced No |