y Mountains. Driftclaw may be found in the land of the giants in the Misty Mountains.Isdi has asked you to bring her frosted Corcur-staves and Driftclaw’s rending-tooth. (read less)
Step 1.
Turn in Frosted Corcur-stave
Step 2.
Turn in Driftclaw’s Rending Tooth
Objective 2.
Isdi is at the ruins of Edhelion, near Thorin
mar. Worms can be found in Forochel, Eregion, and the Misty Mountains.Isdi has asked you to bring her hateful worm-eyes and putrid fingernails. (read less)
Step 1.
Turn in Hateful Worm Eye
Step 2.
Turn in Putrid Fingernail
Objective 4.
Isdi is at the ruins of Edhelion, near Thorin