Legrindavor knows that Balhest is not without his protectors and believes that the Cargûl Guloth guards the passage into the throne room of Ost Elendil.
Starts at: Legrindavor (NPC)
Objective 1.
The Cargûl Guloth is inside Ost Elendil, beyo
nd the bridge of Ariant on the highest level of Annúminas.Legrindavor has warned you that Balhest is defended by a fearsome Cargûl, Guloth by name, who wields power over creatures of shadow. (read less)
Step 1.
Kill 1 Guloth
Objective 2.
Legrindavor is at the courtyard of Tirband, o
n the uppermost level of Annúminas. If he is not, he asked you to report to Captain-General Daerdan at Echad Garthadir, the Ranger-encampment in the city.You have defeated the Cargûl Guloth and should report now to Legrindavor of your success. (read less)
Step 1.
Speak with Legrindavor at Tirband
Step 2.
Speak with Captain-General Daerdan at Echad Garthadir