Tag Archives: Moria

A Relic of Ages Past

Crystals discovered in Moria, bearing marks of the Forgotten Treasury, have piqued the interest of some dwarves who now want to excavate the location and save its contents from the pilfering Orcs within Moria. Continue reading

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A Final Foray

The Water-works is a site of importance to the dwarves who wish to remain in Moria. One such dwarf, Foreman Indrith, has made it a mission to repair the channel there. His tasks for you led to the discovery of the Watcher in the Water. Continue reading

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A Fell Glow

In the deepest dark of Moria there is a place where the only light that shone emanated from dwarf-lamps and luminescant fungus. Now, these delvings are dim and darker than ever and home to creatures that exist in nightmares. Yet here they are, and Veúlfur’s agents sent to the Shadowed Refuge draw little comfort in knowing that there is something within the Dark Delvings that commands the Orcs to poison themselves in a manner that gives them over to some greater will. Continue reading

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Off with the Right Hand

Fil Gashan is the barracks and mustering point for the Orcs’ invasion of Lothlórien. Hidden deep within the fiery landscape and sharing an adjacent entrance to the Forges of Khazad-dûm, Orcs train here under the watchful eye of General Talug. Continue reading

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Nalâ-dûm Menace of Nalâ-dûm

Dór of the Chamber of the Crossroads explored near the entrance to Nalâ-dûm where the Water-wheels once turned, and he recalls that a great feeling of menace turned him from his path. Continue reading

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Nalâ-dûm: An Abundance of Grime

Dór of the Chamber of the Crossroads explored near the entrance to Nalâ-dûm near where the Water-wheels once turned, and he is concerned by the abundance of noisome croaking that emerged from within that grimy place. He is certain the the lizards’ filth is at least partially responsible for the clogging of the Water-wheels. Continue reading

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Nalâ-dûm: Hard-plated Armour

Dór of the Chamber of the Crossroads believes that worms will be among the creeping, slimy beasts in Nalâ-dûm where the Water-wheels sleep. The scales of rock-worms can be used to lend extra strength to armour. Continue reading

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Next of Kin

The sad news of Nykr’s passing must be delivered to his next of kin, a dwarf by the name of Kúli, who is studying spider behaviour. Continue reading

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Moria’s Iron Garrison

Bennt Sharp-eye has told you about the Iron Garrison. This company of dwarves is comprised of two parties, the Iron Garrison Guards and the Iron Garrison Miners. While both parties are dedicated to reclaiming Moria, they focus on different threats. The Guards are more concerned with the Orcs infesting Moria, while the Miners seek to reclaim lost treasures and watch for hidden, deeper foes. Continue reading

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Mekeb-farak: Closing the Books

While Moria is most well-known as a mine, there is much more to it. It was home to a vast and ambitious culture of dwarves. They were warriors, crafters, and scholars. The knowledge the Dwarves of Moria had amassed is often overlooked when compared to the scale of their structural and prospecting achievements. Seeking to instill a sense of scholarly pursuit within the Iron Garrison, Orvar Steeleye has been dispatched to the library of Mekeb-farak to reclaim it and rediscover the lost lore within. Continue reading

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