Tag Archives: Garth Agarwen

Challenge: Naruhel

The Red-maid is lost — or so it seems — to the corruption wrought upon her land at the hands of corrupt Men. These Men stand before her, ready to sacrifice themselves for the Red-maid, and they deserve this fate. However, the nobility of your blood will be a greater reward for her, and when these Men fall before her willingly, she will see that the noble are attempting to destroy her and ignoble keeping her this way. Continue reading

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Challenge: Ivar

Ivar the Blood-hand is a Gaunt-lord, a being of great and dark power, made in mockery of the Wizard Radagast the Brown. He is weakened at the moment, not only by his meddling with Radagast, but also as he continues to raise his army of Dead within the bounds of Garth Agarwen. Continue reading

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Challenge: Dúnlang

Not all who occupy Garth Agarwen are given over to corruption. Some are taken from their homes or the sites where they worked and brought to the ruins where they are enchanted and taught a new way of thought through foul magic. The Créoth warlord, Dúnlang, is possessed of the gifts of Angmar and captures members of the Eglain to corrupt and turn into mindles minions of the Red-maid. Continue reading

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Challenge: Grimbark

It may seem impossible that so small a creature can have so large an impact on the world, but it is the case that the small insects driven to madness by the caretaker of the woods of Agamaur are such creatures. Grimbark has long held control of the Arboretum at the behest of the Red-maid and with his corruption has driven all living denizens of the swamp mad. Continue reading

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Oakheart’s Plight

You have found a familiar face as a prisoner within Garth Agarwen: the strange old woman, Sara Oakheart. Continue reading

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Long Overdue Justice

Dannasen’s desire to be avenged upon the Hillmen of Rhudaur is shared by Emelin, the leader of the shades of Arthedain who dwell in the southern bog. Continue reading

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Ivar the Blood-hand

Radagast knows the ancient evil of the Gaunt-lord Ivar, called the Blood-hand, who is raising an army of wights in Agamaur. Continue reading

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Rings of Rhudaur

Radagast the Brown was reminded of a legend about rings that were given to the leaders of the Hill-men to signify their service to Angmar. These rings gave them power over their lessers, but exacted their very lives from them, making their bodies vessels for wight-spirits. Continue reading

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Relics of Rhudaur

The Eglain depend upon the trade of ancient relics for food and other necessities of life. Arienh believes that Garth Agarwen holds such a wealth of relics that her people will be sustained for many years. Continue reading

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Reclaim the Lost Maiden

Radagast instructed you to pour the pure water into the sanctum of the Red-maid’s fortress, Garth Agarwen. Continue reading

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